When Courtani was born one of her eyes would turn in slightly causing it to appear that her eyes were crossed. I asked different doctors about it but always got the same answer. It was just how babies eyes were at this age and nothing to worry about. Now I'm not claiming that I know more than the doctors, however I was never satisfied with that answer because she was my fourth baby and I had seen what they were talking about and I knew this was different. Finally at her nine month well visit her pediatrician was able to see what I was talking about and sent us to a pediatric eye specialist. After seeing the specialist for a year, he too wasn't able to ever see what I was talking about during her visits and I was very frustrated by this point.
Around the time that she was three years old I was talking to a friend of mine who told me not to give up but to keep pushing for what I knew was going on. She told me that kids with this type of problem end up having double vision. The way the brain deals with this problem is to shut the vision off in one of their eyes and once that happens, there is nothing they can do. Needless to say, I took her right back to the eye specialist and luckily, since she was older now, he was able to see what I had been seeing for the past three years. Whew!
Fast forward....It ended up being a muscle problem that was making her eye turn in. She was actually already shutting the vision off in her right eye and in fact, couldn't really see much past about eight inches from her face. We patched her good eye for a while hoping it will cause her bad eye to get stronger and the vision to come back. Once that was accomplished she had surgery on her right eye, then five months later on her left eye and finally ten months later, which was this past June, another surgery on both eyes at the same time.
She is now in glasses even though she has 20/20 vision at this point. The glasses are to help the muscles relax so her eyes can learn to work together. She has been in the glasses since February of this year and we have gone through FIVE PAIRS OF GLASSES!! Not to mention the countless times we have taken the glasses in for minor repairs. I don't know what she does to them or how she keeps breaking them but I hope we can figure it out soon. I'm about done with this. I know she is only four years old and, because she is so young and such a tom-boy, I was up for a few repairs... but this is crazy! I'm hopeful that after having yet ANOTHER talk with her about being more careful with her glasses it will sink in. However, I won't hold my breath.